Fashion Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Now

new collection of her signature


The dreamlike imagination of Tamara Falcó delves into the landscapes of the French countryside to give rise to Fleur d'Été, the new collection of her eponymous firm TFP (Tamara Falcó Preysler). The designer's creations breathe the idyllic essence of Provence that will transport you to eternal summer.

At NAC we have quickly identified with the message and romanticism that all their garments convey. If there is one the thing we are clear about, it is that Fleur d'Éte brings together with the quality, attitude, and passion of the NAC philosophy: committing to being demanding with fashion.

 In this post, we want to share with our clients that enjoying this collection is already a reality, and that is that TFP by Tamara, Falcó is part of the NAC family. We reassure you to let yourself be carried away by the beauty of their designs either through our online store or in our physical boutiques: García de Paredes 72; Genoa 18; Hermosilla 34, Velazquez 56 or Mahón (Menorca)

 The timeless patterns have been worked with subtlety from vaporous fabrics such as silk gauze, voile and cotton, thus achieving that the naturalness of its new and original clothing proposal speaks of versatility. In this sense, we appreciate that our values ​​are so closely linked to those of Tamara since at NAC, we are also among those who think that fashion has to make us enjoy, and what better way than to take risks and have fun with it.

We have already selected the pieces that seem like the jewel in the crown: the dresses. In them, we find that very personal style that we pursue when selecting brands. They are comfortable, elegant, exude character, and most importantly, they adapt to any type of scenario. You can wear them to events that require a higher look by adding sandals, or create more casual outfits and so topical for day to day combining them with sneakers.